.:[ The Cameldriver's Skin ]:. for winamp 1.8x and above. Author: Joppz of Lodis & TCD. Purpose: Making Winamp look nice. Based on: Nothing. Used a texture maker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for trying my skins... I made them for myself but I am very happy if someone else likes them too. I don't like to rip so I tried not to in this skin but some buttonsizes are ripped from Darkamp. A new thing that I used is the support for balance graphics in Winamp 1.91. (get the rest of my skins somewhere). // Requirements: Recommended: Winamp 1.91 or above although Winamp 1.80 works fine. 16bit color or higher. // install notes: Unzip these files into the \Skins\ directory, and don't forget to recurse subdirectories. Load up Winamp and popup the window 'select skin' (=press 'Alt'+'S') and select TCD Skin. //Greetings: darker: for getting me in The camel drivers and for friendship. and the rest of the Lodis for excisting (thanks commie). // Contact: E-mail. : joppz@lodis.nu // Other notes: Distribute this freely, but please do not alter the files. Thanks for your downloading. Markus Hallberg a.k.a. Joppz